Travel Requirements

-Passports- Valid US, Canada and UK passports that will not expire within 6 months of travel date are required. 

-Visas are required from the US, Canada and the UK to enter the country. Jamaica does not require a Visa to enter the country.  Link to Ghana Consulate Arkansas

-Yellow Fever: Ghana requires you to have a yellow fever vaccination card before you enter the plane, most airlines will not let you on without it. Yellow Fever links to find vaccination clinics in near you- 

United States:

United Kingdom:



Vaccination waiver: A vaccination waiver can be issued by your medical practitioner if the Yellow Fever vaccine is contraindicated for medical reasons. Be aware that problems may arise when crossing borders and the vaccination waiver may not be honoured. Take meticulous anti-mosquito bite measures during the daytime in Yellow Fever risk areas.

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